Friday, January 11, 2008

The GOP contest....

Democrats will lay low over the first part of next week as the Republican presidential candidates move front and center.

First up...Michigan (on Tuesday) and what appears to be McCain v Romney, Part II. Despite Romney's claims that he's in it for the long haul, this is make-or-break for him. Anything less than a first place finish, and he's finished.

McCain, meanwhile, appears to be getting quite a boost from his New Hampshire victory, rising steadily in state polls of upcoming primary and caucus states -- unlike Iowa caucus winner Mike Huckabee who got no boost from his victory.

Fred Thompson is also on the edge like Romney, with his Waterloo being the South Carolina primary later. Thompson put in a strong performance at Thursday's debate in South Carolina -- but the latest polls (done before the debate) have him in fourth place.

He needs to convert these last two debate performances into votes - - and better finishes, otherwise he's gone after South Carolina.

And word from the AP is that Rudy Giuliani's top campaign folks are working this month with no pay. That typically means the campaign is running into financial problems -- but campaign officials say they have plenty. Giuliani is holding back from these early contests, looking to make Florida his stand.

And finally, Mike Huckabee, the Iowa caucus winner, has pretty much drifted out of sight since Iowa. It's unlikely Michigan will give him much of a boost back to center stage, making South Carolina a critical stop for him.


Blogger wtfdnucsailor said...

Ray - Since I can't comment on your column under the column, I will use your blog.
Thanks for the plug for the local Town Committees. However, since the deadline for submission of names for Town Committees is Wednesday, Jan 16 folks don't have much time to let their Party Town Committee chair know they are interested on serving on the Town Committee. However, if the Town Committee has less nominees than the allowed members, a person can primary or petition to become a member. For the really rebellous, it is possible to primary the entire Town Committee by setting you your own slate and actually causing a primary the second Tuesday in March. That only happens if there are real divisions among the local party activists because it is so hard to get a new slate. Thanks again for the plug.

12:49 PM  

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