Friday, June 05, 2009's been a while...

Some quick updates on the U.S. Senate race.

By now you've probably heard that the field of potential Republican challengers to Chris Dodd has grown with the announcement of former Irish Ambassador Tom Foley's decision to get into the race. I find the timing a bit odd....there's just over three weeks left in this quarter before campaign finance reports have to be filed...not a lot of time to raise money.

Foley was a major fundraiser for George Bush, thus the expectations of his fundraising abilities for his own campaign will be high. He might be able to slide this fist reporting cycle, but a lot that will depend on how well his two Republican rivals do...former Congressman Rob Simmons and state Sen. Sam Caligiuri.

My guess is that Foley's entrance into the contest, and a respectable first filing, will hasten Caligirui's departure from the race.

On the Democratic side....Democratic primary challenger Merrick Alpert and his wife Alex have a new addition to the family. Merrick sent me the following e-mail this morning:

Alex and I wanted to share the good news with you. Our son, Wyatt Mateo Alpert, was born at 12:56PM today at Lawrence & Memorial Hospital in New London. He is 7 pounds, 5 ounces and 19.5 inches long. Mother and son are resting comfortably.


Blogger William Kenny said...

Welcome to earth, Wyatt! And best wishes and congratulations to Mom and Dad.

What's your prognosis on when our state legislators and Governor might agree on a budget?

Before or after Hades freezes over? (so I know when to lace up my skates)

Could this be the legislative session that has finally exhausted the electorate's patience with a system that is painfully and obviously broken and we decide to start again?

Or, as is so often the case, will we offer a big sigh, roll our eyes and continue to muddle along pretending someone, somewhere (the mysterious 'them') is doing this to us, again.

As Mao Tse Tung purportedly asked Richard Nixon, 'was one revolution enough?'

7:56 AM  

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