Friday, April 24, 2009


I've been told that I am now twittering. I'm not 100 percent sure exactly what that mean (Remember I still use dial-up at home with Windows 98), but apparently each time I add to this blog, somehow those who sign up to follow me on Twitter (why?) will be notified. Okay...

There's a special election in Norwich Tuesday to fill a vacancy on the City Council, the unexpired term of state Rep. Christopher Coutu. Because of minority representation, no Democrat is eligible to run (Dems already hold five of the seven seats). Former state rep and alderman Peter Nystrom is the Republican in the contest and unaffiliated voter Jay Gelfond, a petitioning candidate are vying for the spot. Neither is one that might be described as a ball of fire, and as such, the election isn't generating any excitement or interest. Too bad....too often the races in the city offer no choice to voters, and finally one with a choice comes along and most voters will likely miss it.

On Wednesday, President Barak Obama will hold another televised news conference....his 100th day in office. I picked this up from the PoliticWite Web page....Obama by the numbers:

President Obama will hold his 11th news conference of his presidency on Wednesday and the third one televised in prime time. NBC News notes the only modern presidents who have conducted more press conferences in their first 100 days than Obama are Harry Truman (14) and Bill Clinton (13).

By Wednesday, Obama will have given at least 10 major speeches, held eight town halls and made 14 different trips -- most of them to battleground states.

Since taking office he has signed 13 bills into law and signed 19 executive orders.

Meanwhile, Politifact says Obama has kept 27 campaign promises, broken six, and compromised on seven others.

Have a good's going to be beautiful.


Blogger mlnmatt said...

Look, he's the President now. You can start spelling his name correctly.

3:48 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

He's been elected for 4 years. Why does 100 days matter when he's in charge for at least 1,460 days. Too much emphasis on meaningless dates. That's like judging a quarterback after his 1st game of the's just a dumb meaningless story for those who enjoy dumb meaningless stories.

8:44 PM  
Blogger mccommas said...

Nystrom is a good man. He should be Governor.

1:25 PM  
Blogger mccommas said...

BTW -- I don't know what twittering is either.

The first 100 days -- and the first two years -- are important because the election cycle for President starts up again. Not much seems to get passed in those years.

1:29 PM  

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