It worked....
Okay....a couple ofquick updates....
Shortly after my Sunday column ran regarding the 2nd Congressinal District race, Matthew Daly, one of two Republican challengers to U.S. Rep. Joe Courtney, sent me an e-mail advising me that Richard Foley is "no longer" associated with his campaign. That after Daly loaned his committee $10,000 of which $8,000 was paid to Foley. (At least he got off cheaper than Sean Sullivan who spent $37,000 on Foley before cutting ties with him.)
Tomorrow is the "tea party" day, a national grassroots effort protesting taxes -- and commandeer by Republicans. I doubt you'll see any local Democratic legisaltors attending any of the events in the state, especially considering they're proposing a $3.3 billion increase in state taxes.
Daria Kovak, the other GOP contender in the 2nd District, is supposedly attending the tea party in Norwich. I don't much about her other than she teaches at Eastern and served as an appointee to the state department in the Reagan administration. A good opportunity to find out more about her.
Shortly after my Sunday column ran regarding the 2nd Congressinal District race, Matthew Daly, one of two Republican challengers to U.S. Rep. Joe Courtney, sent me an e-mail advising me that Richard Foley is "no longer" associated with his campaign. That after Daly loaned his committee $10,000 of which $8,000 was paid to Foley. (At least he got off cheaper than Sean Sullivan who spent $37,000 on Foley before cutting ties with him.)
Tomorrow is the "tea party" day, a national grassroots effort protesting taxes -- and commandeer by Republicans. I doubt you'll see any local Democratic legisaltors attending any of the events in the state, especially considering they're proposing a $3.3 billion increase in state taxes.
Daria Kovak, the other GOP contender in the 2nd District, is supposedly attending the tea party in Norwich. I don't much about her other than she teaches at Eastern and served as an appointee to the state department in the Reagan administration. A good opportunity to find out more about her.
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Republicans haven't run a lady for this spot since Roberta Kootnz in 1984. Remember her? She almost knocked off Sam Gejdenson in the Reagan Landslide. Had it not been for the media bias that kept telling people she had no chance she would have won. All Kootnz needed was a little bit of money for TV ads. The media choked that off.
Republicans shouldn’t' fall for that trick a second time. I was not active in politics then but I did research the race in the 90's. Media bias made the critical difference.
History is clearly repeating itself. Republicans need to be prepared so we don't just come close this time. This seat can be taken. Courtney is a lousy representative and no one has ever heard of him. He is only there to represent the Connecticut Bar Association.
Obama's term will be CUT IN HALF and his socialist agenda brought to an abrupt halt if Republicans sweep as we did in 1994.
Mr. McCommas lives in a fantasy world. Joe Courtney has been a very effective Congressperson and has made strong efforts to be seen and heard throughout his district. The Rs will have a tough time taking the 2nd District seat in 2010.
I am not living in a fantasy world. I am just hopeless optimistic :)
One thing about 2nd you got to remember Middletown is no longer in the District. The reapportionment in 2001 was done while the second was held by a Republican. Remember how some wanted to eliminate it because Simmons held it? Instead it was made more competitive. The way the reapportionment laws are written demands bipartisianship. Each side has a veto so the seat was drawn to benifit Simmons' chances. The biggie was throwing Middletown out. Good Riddence!
How many times was Gejdenson close to losing only to be saved by Middletown?
Lets see:
1, 1984
2, 1992
3, 1994
4, 2000 -- well it almost saved him that time
The Second is not a "safe seat" as the Hartford Courant likes to call it. In 2010 there isn't likely to be any such thing -- even here. Every single member of the House will stand election no matter how much some would like to cancel it. It is Democrat who are fooling themselves when they think 2010 will be nothing more than a formality.
I think 2010 will be a tough year for the Democrats overall. The trend is for the out party is the white house to lose seats in these off year elections. Dems are at a high water point right now so they will lose seats if only because they have the most to lose.
If the Second is competitive than that will mean the more conservative seats to our South and West will likely switch in the off year elections. This nation is far more conservative than this new administration. The key is recruitment and that has to happen right now. I am pleased we have two good candidates for the Second already.
I think right now Obama enjoys the good will of the electorate but polls right now four months into his term don't matter. When promises continue to be broken over and over again the novelty of our first African American President is going to get old real fast. Obama's best hope is the economy might actually get better before his long term policies plunge it back into recession again. The timing may be just perfect for November 2010. That would be very bad luck for the Republicans. That would be the reverse of what happened to Reagan in 1982. Reagans long term solutions had not taken yet but by 1984 it was in full flower. The elections responding accordingly. 82 bad year for GOP, 84 GOP Landslide.
I keep wondering what version of History repeating itself will occur. Maybe it will be Japan's mishandleing of their recession in the 90's. They blew a lot of money of public works projects like we are doing now but none of that did the trick. The one thing that helped Japan was cutting taxes. However they raised them just as the dividends were coming in and crushed their sprouting recovery.
We will just have to wait and see what happens. Only one thing is for sure. If Courtney and the rest of the Democrats want new terms they are going to have to earn them and they are not off to a good start. There is a broken promice every day.
The Republicans aren't just going to surrender without a fight. Its going to be bloody.
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