Monday, February 23, 2009

Big week coming up...

Tomorrow is a busy day...

Preston voters will again be heading to the polls to voice their opinions on what to do about the Norwich State Hospital property -- eithre proceed with the purchase or give it back to the state. It's a tough call, with risks associated with both choices.

President Obama delivers his first State of the Union address tomorrow night. He supposedly will outline -- although briefly -- his plans for the next big project: Health carae reform.

On Wednesday, the General Assembly wil again try and tackle the current year's $1 billion revenue deficit.

And...did you happen to catch Rob Simmons on Channel 3 Sunday morning. He certainly looked and sounded like a canddiate. Although I've had my doubts about whether he would jump in and challenge Chris Dodd in the 2010 Senate race....I think he's going to do it. A decision is coming in three weeks.


Blogger mccommas said...

I didn't catch it but I will look for it on Youtube.

Looks like I am gong to have to make sure I am delegate to the Republican state convention next year for two reasons.

9:41 AM  
Blogger mccommas said...

I found it:

'That seat does not belong to Chris Dodd. It belongs to the people of Connecticut.'


 And that’s something I have heard before -- from Rob Simmons on election night at his headquarters the first time he beat Joe Courtney.

Simmons said that about himself and the seat he occupied and just reclaimed for another two years. On the drive home I kept thinking of that. That attitude is what I admire most about Rob Simmons.

He's different from the others. Other pols call the seat they occupy as theirs -- "my seat".

And they mean it. Their property. ‘It will snatched from their cold dead hands’.

Its not just liberals either. A lot of Republicans I know that hold or have held office think the same thing. That ain't right.

Senator Simmons. I like it!

10:02 AM  

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