Tuesday, March 10, 2009

And the race is on....

There not exactly being billed as debates, but the first two showdowns of the three Democratic candidates running for governor in 2010 will be held here in Eastern Connecticut this month.

Secretary of State Susan Bysiewicz, Stamford Mayor Dan Malloy and former Speaker of the House Jim Amann have agreed to take part in two "leadership" forums to discuss the problems facing the state and how they, if elected governor, would address them.

The first forum, just announced today, will be held in Groton this Saturday, 10 a.m. at the City of Groton Municipal Building , 295 Meridian Street.

The second forum will be at the Vanilla Bean Cafe in Pomfret Tuesday, March 24, 7 p.m.

Should be interesting.


Blogger William Kenny said...

It's interesting that those seeking the Democratic gubernatorial nomination can arrange for a forum to allow voters to 'tear and compare' among the candidates (despite the budget challenges that all three face at their respective levels and rumors of not-yet announced candidates).

Meanwhile, here in Norwich, the Democratic Town Committtee is seems reluctant to sponsor a similar event between the two announced mayoral candidates in deference to those who may (or may NOT) yet declare their candidacy and because of a concern of distracting people during municipal budget deliberations.

I think a local forum is an excellent idea for both the candidates and the voters.

11:36 AM  
Blogger mccommas said...

Where have all the giants gone?

Why must we chose among these Lilliputians? The lack of seriousness is just plain sad.

Malloy (whoever he might be) said “The reality is, sitting here in this room today, we would all be better off if we had elected a Democratic governor in the last 23 years”.

Oh really? I wish there was a reporter there to ask Mr. Malloy what a Democrat would have done differently. More taxes and more spending and more government than we already have would have somehow made things better these past 23 years?

It’s pretty hard for me to imagine a worse business climate. Rowland-Rell held the line on spending a bit and got us a few tax breaks though they also raised taxes. Had there not been a grownup as chief executive all these years to put the breaks on the spending, Lord only knows where we would be in right now!

But Malloy statement doesn’t even come close to the silliness of Susan Bysiewicz. She says “the next governor needs to address the loss of jobs and the high number of foreclosures and business failures by promoting green technology, focusing on small businesses and decreasing the achievement gap”.

Well first you have the job loss situation which probably has something to do with the high taxes and big government we have. One would think that even a liberal Democrat in time like this would want to give businesses and individuals a tax break to spur the economy and create jobs -- but not Susan!

She says she wants to promote “green technology” and that will help stop foreclosures and business failures.

Seriously - was that a joke? Was she badly misquoted? I sure hope so.

And as if taxes and the economy weren’t bad enough Bysiewicz wants the state to provide universal health care. This is the same woman who can’t keep the voting rolls straight and we are going to trust her with our healthcare?

These people are restoring my faith in Jodi Rell better than the governor ever could.

7:45 PM  

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