Friday, April 17, 2009

Sen. Dodd -- good and bad news today

Two interesting news reports today regarding U.S. Sen. Christopher J. Dodd.

In this morning's Boston Globe, a story about Dodd's troubles and the challenge it poses to his re-election bid. Included in the story is a rather strong endrosement....from the President of the United States. From the Globe story:

"I can't say it any clearer: I will be helping Chris Dodd because he deserves the help," Obama told the Globe yesterday in a phone interview from Air Force One, as he flew to Mexico on a diplomatic trip.

"Chris is going through a rough patch," Obama said. "He just has an extraordinary record of accomplishment, and I think the people in Connecticut will come to recognize that. . . . He always has his constituencies at heart, and he's somebody I'm going to be relying on and working very closely with to shepherd through the types of regulatory reforms we need."

On the not-so-good news front, the Connecticut Post has a story this morning about Dodd's recently released campaign finance report where the incumbent reported about $1 million raised during the first three months of the year -- with little of it coming from within Connecticut's borders.

According to the Post story: "The five-term incumbent reported raising just $4,250 from five Connecticut residents during the first three months of the year while raking in $604,745 from nearly 400 individuals living outside the state."

The remaining $437,000 collected came from Political Action Committees, only two of which has Connecticut roots.


Blogger mccommas said...

One factoid you failed to mention....hummmmm.... was that only five idividuals contributed to Dodd's campaing since the year began.

8:20 PM  
Blogger Ray Hackett said...

Look again original post did say that.

11:01 AM  

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