It's anybody's game on the Dem side
A new poll today -- SurveyUSA - of Connecticut voters shows Barack Obama leading Hillary Clinton 48--44 percent. But with a margin of error of 3.8 percent, that's a tie. More interesting is that 29 percent of those polled said they may yet change their minds.
On the Republican side, John McCain holds a healthy lead over Mitt Romney, 53-31.
On the Republican side, John McCain holds a healthy lead over Mitt Romney, 53-31.
You trust the polls even after they have clearly been so disastrously wrong over and over again this year?
You folks had written Clinton off in New Hampshire and Surprise!
When people actually voted, it turns out that it was no where near what the Media forecasted.
I think your polls attempt to pick the winners before people vote. To some extent you folks are successful but not always.
I think about maybe 1 out 20 articles you folks write is about a substantive issue and the rest are polls and fluff. 1 out of 20?
Maybe I am being too generous….
Where does your candidate stand on partial birth abortion Mr. Hackett? How come I never read about that in the newspaper?
Thanks Barb.
That’s about as believable as anything I have read here.
-- And its funny that when your man is ahead its characterized as "a healthy lead" but when your man is not ahead its a real horse race.
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