Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Back again...

My apologies for the lag in postings - just a busy time of year as we get closer to the municipal elections.

Tonight, the Norwich Bulletin will host the second of five debates this month. This time we're in Canterbury - a community that has long been "active" and controversial. The ACLU is currently sueing the town over the Board of Selectmen's decision to limit public comment at board meetings, just one example. There are three candidates running for first selectman, and I expect tonight's discussion to be quite lively in many ways.

One thing about Canterbury...I covered the race there two years ago on Election Night and was quite impressed at how much interest the citizens showed. At 8 p.m. - the line was still out the door and into the parking lot. If my memory is correct, it wasn't until 8:20 or 8:25 before the last voter cast the last ballot.

I expect interest in tonight's debate - the first in anyone's memory - should prove just as high.

And again...thanks to all who submitted questions.


Blogger Bill Jenkins said...

Canterbury is a great town and Chris Johnson will make a fine First Selectman. Thankfully most people have seen what a true jerk Paul Santoro is.

1:38 AM  
Blogger mccommas said...

Why can't the Norwich Bulletin chime in on other First Amendment issues instead of just those times where it thinks it has an personal interest?

8:34 PM  

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