Monday, September 10, 2007

Catching up....

As you may have noticed, we have a new Web page up and running. It should be much easier to navigate and find the news stories and other items of special interest to you.

Some of you are also probably aware (I wrote about it in Sunday Hackett on Politics two weeks ago) of my new, temporary duties at the paper. For the next three months, I am the acting editorial page editor while Fran Kefalas is off on maternity leave. (She gave birth last week to a healthy baby boy....everyone is doing fine).

So last week was a bit hectic. It was a short week due to the holiday and my first full week flying solo in my new position. But so far, so good....I am enjoying it.

And tomorrow is primary day in six eastern Connecticut communities. And there does appear to be issues that I would hope voters in each of those communities would find important enough to get out and vote.

In Lebanon, the issue is the future of the town's character. It's a chance for voters to make a statement to town leaders - not just the two candidates vying for a seat as an alternate to the Planning & Zoning Commission.

in Preston and Lisbon, there are primaries for Board of Education. In both communities this year, it took four referendum to pass the education budget. Again, an opportunity for voters to make a statement.

In the other three primaries - Griswold, Woodstorck and Colchester - what is to be decided are the candidates for first selectman.

Primaries for municipal elections rarely draw large crowds....unless voters are given a reason to vote. This year, I think the reasons are there....hopefully the voters will be, too.


Blogger Bill Jenkins said...

I was glad to see Margaret Wholean win in Woodstock and Diana Norton Giles win in Colchester.

I also think the voters made the right choice in Griswold by sending Paul Brycki home. How on earth this guy would even consider running again after letting the insurance lapse on the old Town Hall in Griswold (then it burns down costing taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars) is completely beyond me. Anne Hatfield has done a fantastic job as First Selectman since she beat Brycki two years ago and I hope she wins again.

2:12 AM  
Blogger mccommas said...

How about Lebanon?

There was like a 30 percent Republican turnout for a alternate postion on the Zoning Board.

The challnager crushed the endorsed nominee like a bug apparently on private property rights issues.

Good for him! And they said it was a waster of money. Those people are now out of office.

Good for him. ( I just had to say it again). Its nice to see the good guys win one for a change.

10:55 AM  
Blogger rags said...

Wanted to pass along a hearty "Welcome to Earth" to Frances' bouncing baby and "congratulations on your successful production" to Fran, herself.

11:26 AM  
Blogger Bill Jenkins said...

Who is "Frances" and what does her baby have anything to do with this topic?

12:00 AM  
Blogger rags said...

Ray Hackett's blog notes that he's covering for a colleague currently on maternity leave.....thus my congratulations to her on the birth of her child.

Sorry, billjennkins, for straying off topic......

6:26 AM  

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