Friday, August 10, 2007

The word for the day is....fluid

And in more ways than one.

Jackie Clegg-Dodd's visit to the Petersborough to campaign for her husband was canceled this morning after her flight to New Hampshire was delayed because of rain.

Clegg-Dodd, who was going to fill-in for U.S. Sen. Christopher J. Dodd when his scheduled changed, was to have done a walking meet & greet on the downtown streets of this quaint little New Hampshire village. However, it's also raining here this morning, so it probably wouldn't have been a very good walking tour.

So at this point, I'm heading over to Manchester to check in to my third hotel in three days, and then back to Nashua to catch up with Dodd - who is planning to do his own walking meet & greet in that city this afternoon. Hopefully, the rain will subside at that point.

Dodd is also scheduled to make two stops in Manchester later, including taking in the Fisher Cat's ballgame tonight - weather permitting.

Today will be fluid...


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