Thursday, August 09, 2007

The end of day two with Dodd...

It has not been a good day. Major problems with computers today have caused more problems than what it's worth. It started with the morning and problems simply posting update on the Web page. I had to phone a couple of them into the office to get them posted. It seemed like every time I tried to attach a photo, the system would crash.

Then I lost all ability to access e-mail. And that wasn't a good sign since the campaign schedule for tomorrow was changing...and I had no idea how and where or when things would be going on.

And then finally, the system wouldn't let me access the blog page - thus no updates from today.

But things do appear to be getting better...although everything is moving at much slower pace than what I would like.

It's been a long day, logging more than 260 miles on my car...and I'm tired. We'll try again is, after all, a new day.


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