Wednesday, January 03, 2007

First impressions...

U.S. Rep.-elect Joe Courtney got his first look at his new congressional office this afternoon, stopping by Room 215 in the Cannon House Office Building before this afternoon's Democratic caucus meeting.

"It's pretty nice, isn't it?" he said as he looked over the three rooms that he and his staff will be sharing for the next two years.

I asked him how he was doing on the eve of his swearing in as a member of Congress, and he said "Great."

"There's a lot of juggling with the family and their schedule, getting the apartment up and running, but I'm trying not to let those nuts and blots things distract me from what going on," he said. "There really is something special going on. It's exciting."

Courtney's family is back at the 3rd Street apartment - with his two kids waiting for "cable guy" to come and hook up the cable TV.

"Somethings never change," he said.


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