Big week coming up...
Tomorrow is a busy day...
Preston voters will again be heading to the polls to voice their opinions on what to do about the Norwich State Hospital property -- eithre proceed with the purchase or give it back to the state. It's a tough call, with risks associated with both choices.
President Obama delivers his first State of the Union address tomorrow night. He supposedly will outline -- although briefly -- his plans for the next big project: Health carae reform.
On Wednesday, the General Assembly wil again try and tackle the current year's $1 billion revenue deficit.
And...did you happen to catch Rob Simmons on Channel 3 Sunday morning. He certainly looked and sounded like a canddiate. Although I've had my doubts about whether he would jump in and challenge Chris Dodd in the 2010 Senate race....I think he's going to do it. A decision is coming in three weeks.
Preston voters will again be heading to the polls to voice their opinions on what to do about the Norwich State Hospital property -- eithre proceed with the purchase or give it back to the state. It's a tough call, with risks associated with both choices.
President Obama delivers his first State of the Union address tomorrow night. He supposedly will outline -- although briefly -- his plans for the next big project: Health carae reform.
On Wednesday, the General Assembly wil again try and tackle the current year's $1 billion revenue deficit.
And...did you happen to catch Rob Simmons on Channel 3 Sunday morning. He certainly looked and sounded like a canddiate. Although I've had my doubts about whether he would jump in and challenge Chris Dodd in the 2010 Senate race....I think he's going to do it. A decision is coming in three weeks.