Monday, March 10, 2008

Far fetched...maybe, maybe not....

Just a thought that raced into my mind while trying to figure out exactly how the Democrats would solve this problem of who to give the nomination to...

Suppose, if after all the primary contests are over (including the re-voting in Michigan and Florida) and there is still no clear cut nominee. Obama would have still won more states, more popular votes and have more pledged delegates while Hillary has won all the big, important states and have more super delegates on her side....what then?

Democrats try and reach some compromise....but it also fails as both campaigns drawlines in the sand and say they want to take it to the convention floor.

The first round is held, and neither Obama nor Clinton get the necessary votes to win the nomination....and a second vote is now needed. But this time....all those pledged delegates are no longer "pledged" and obligated to vote for the candidate that got them there....

And then....a motion comes from the floor to nominate Al Gore for president.

I wonder how the voting at the convention might go at that point....


Blogger Catherine said...

Two thoughts:
1-The Al Gore suggestion has be floating around for a while, but I wonder why in the world he'd accept a nomination? He's got a great life now with his Academy Award and his Nobel Peace Prize...why go back into the fishbowl with all the stress?

2-While I understand your use of the "more important big states" I still take offense. Obama so far has more popular votes and delegates overall - why are the votes in the bigger states more important than the rest?

9:05 PM  

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