The showdown in Hartford...
Depending on the "count," the Democratic leadership in Hartford certainly appears eager to finally have that showdown with Republican Gov. M. Jodi Rell - and the issue is the $3.2 billion bond package. If the Democratic leadership believes it has the votes to override her veto...they'll go for it.
If's hard to say what they'll do. But her suggestion of cutting out the school construction portion of the package and voting on that alone in the special session she called for Wednesday doesn't seem likely. Nor does it appear likely, at least right now, that she's willing to back down either.
If's hard to say what they'll do. But her suggestion of cutting out the school construction portion of the package and voting on that alone in the special session she called for Wednesday doesn't seem likely. Nor does it appear likely, at least right now, that she's willing to back down either.