Monday, September 24, 2007

The showdown in Hartford...

Depending on the "count," the Democratic leadership in Hartford certainly appears eager to finally have that showdown with Republican Gov. M. Jodi Rell - and the issue is the $3.2 billion bond package. If the Democratic leadership believes it has the votes to override her veto...they'll go for it.

If's hard to say what they'll do. But her suggestion of cutting out the school construction portion of the package and voting on that alone in the special session she called for Wednesday doesn't seem likely. Nor does it appear likely, at least right now, that she's willing to back down either.

Friday, September 21, 2007

It's been awhile....

The new duties at the paper are a bit more time consuming than I originally thought, but I will admit that I am enjoying the work. I think about the blog, but then the phone rings, or someone drops by the office, or an e-mail pops up that I "have to answer now" and so much for thinking about the blog.

But as I wrap up this week, a few thoughts....

A tip of the hat to U.S. Rep. Joe Courtney, D-2nd District, for his efforts to secure more funding for college bound students. As the father of a college freshman, any financial help that she can get over the next four years is a good thing. Like any father, I want her to be successful, and not burdened in debt when she makes her way into the world.

Today (Friday) is National POW/MIA Day....I would like to draw your atention to my Hackett on Politics column in Sunday's Norwich Bulletin about one particular MIA. (And if you want to copy it and send it out to everyoe you know, and then have them forward to their congressman and seantor....please do.)

And one final thought for you to ponder....

Speculation about a possible GOP vice presidential candidate is starting to rise, with the focus aimed at a "blanced ticket." If one believes that the Democratic presidential nominee will be either a black or woman, we all know the GOP nominee will be a white male....thus the interest in who might be in line for the #2 spot. Some speculation is being aimed at female, GOP governors....

Yes, Jodi Rell is a name among the so-called "possibless>''

Have a good weekend...

Monday, September 10, 2007

Catching up....

As you may have noticed, we have a new Web page up and running. It should be much easier to navigate and find the news stories and other items of special interest to you.

Some of you are also probably aware (I wrote about it in Sunday Hackett on Politics two weeks ago) of my new, temporary duties at the paper. For the next three months, I am the acting editorial page editor while Fran Kefalas is off on maternity leave. (She gave birth last week to a healthy baby boy....everyone is doing fine).

So last week was a bit hectic. It was a short week due to the holiday and my first full week flying solo in my new position. But so far, so good....I am enjoying it.

And tomorrow is primary day in six eastern Connecticut communities. And there does appear to be issues that I would hope voters in each of those communities would find important enough to get out and vote.

In Lebanon, the issue is the future of the town's character. It's a chance for voters to make a statement to town leaders - not just the two candidates vying for a seat as an alternate to the Planning & Zoning Commission.

in Preston and Lisbon, there are primaries for Board of Education. In both communities this year, it took four referendum to pass the education budget. Again, an opportunity for voters to make a statement.

In the other three primaries - Griswold, Woodstorck and Colchester - what is to be decided are the candidates for first selectman.

Primaries for municipal elections rarely draw large crowds....unless voters are given a reason to vote. This year, I think the reasons are there....hopefully the voters will be, too.