Monday, July 02, 2007

The money race...

Illinois Sen. Barack Obama's second quarter fundraising effort - a whoppiing $32.5 million - has created a third tier of presidential hopefuls on the Democratic side of the ledger. In the top tier are Obama and NY Sen. Hillary Clinton, whose own effort of roughly $27 million isn't anything to sneeze at - but it's still less than Obama.

The second tier now consists of former NC Sen. John Edwards, who only raised a mere $9 million, and New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, whose $7 million has given him the momentum to move up.

All the other candidates, including our CT Sen. Chris Dodd, reporting about $3.25 million raised, are in the third tier.

No question that Obama - and to a degree Richardson - are the candidates on the move with Clinton seemed stalled and Edwards slipping. The others are still trying to find some traction.

Obama's success, however, does give the others - with the exception of Clinton - some reason for optimism. Although he's off to a very impressive start, the freshman senator still have doubts hanging over his campaign - and can he really win in November if he gets the Democratic nomination. The optimism from the others comes from the mere fact that he has proven that Clinton is no runaway candidate - and she can be slowed - if not stopped completely.

Look for the field to start to dwindle in the coming months as those in the bottom face the reality of the handwriting on the wall.


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