Friday, June 29, 2007


The 2nd Quarter officially comes to a close at midnight Saturday, and the 2008 candidates, congressional as well as presidential are making a last minute dash to fatten their war chest.

There are some suggestions that New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson might out preform former North Carolina Sen. John Edwards this quarter - which would certainly be interesting and could push Richardson a bit closer to the top tier on the Democratic side of the presidential sweepstakes. Our own Chris Dodd had hoped to be the top money maker of the second tier candidates during the first quarter, but fell short. He definitely needs to bounce back this quarter.

On the GOP side, former Mass. Gov. Mitt Romney is expected to again be on top, even if he has to dip into his own pockets to do so. Arizona Sen. John McCain will likely disappoint again, but he is denying any thought of dropping out of the race this early. I still think he's gone by the Fall.

On the local scene, U.S. Rep. Joe Courtney, D-2nd District, set an all-time record during the first quarter of the non-election year and will likely show another strong effort when he releases his FEC filing in two weeks. His presumptive GOP challenger, former Groton Submarine Base commander Sean Sullivan, hasn't come close to anything that Courtney has already. More on that in this Sunday's Norwich Bulletin.

Have a great weekend. It's suppose to be a good one weather-wise (if they got it right this time.)


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