Heading into the weekend...
In this Sunday's newspaper column I take a look at the municipal races, and in particular, the one shaping up in Norwich. The mayor is not up for re-election this year, so the focus will be on the City Council race. Six candidates will be elected. In past years, this hasn't been a very exciting race to watch, but this is a bit different - and maybe not for the best.
On another level, a few weeks ago I wrote a piece saying that I felt John McCain would likely be the first of the Republican frontrunners to drop out of the GOP race for president. He's got serious money problems, not to mention a steady decline in polling numbers.
I've been looking at the Democratic side of the fence, and it strikes me that former North Carolina Sen. John Edwards, the 2004 vice presdiential nominee, is most likely to be the first of the Democrat frontrunners to fall by the wayside - that despite him still holding the lead in Iowa polls, the first contest of 2008.
On another level, a few weeks ago I wrote a piece saying that I felt John McCain would likely be the first of the Republican frontrunners to drop out of the GOP race for president. He's got serious money problems, not to mention a steady decline in polling numbers.
I've been looking at the Democratic side of the fence, and it strikes me that former North Carolina Sen. John Edwards, the 2004 vice presdiential nominee, is most likely to be the first of the Democrat frontrunners to fall by the wayside - that despite him still holding the lead in Iowa polls, the first contest of 2008.
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