Tuesday, May 15, 2007

It's official....Read My Lips...

No New Taxes.

That according to Gov. M. Jodi Rell this afternoon, completing the turnaround from a 10-percent across-the-board increase in the income tax, to a slight or maybe no tax increase to this new poisition of none of at all.

This is what she had to say today:
"Connecticut's economy is strong and growing and with the new revenueprojections I have just received, I firmly believe that we can adopt a budget for the next biennium that contains no tax increases whatsoever.

She goes on to say...

"I am calling upon our lawmakers to work with me to fulfill those promises. They have talked about these issues for years. Our citizens overwhelmingly support investments in education and property tax limits.
We can provide both without raising taxes - any remaining excuses for inaction have been eliminated with these latest OFA numbers.
"Based upon projected revenues for the 2007, 2008 and 2009 Fiscal Year,I am convinced that we can reach a final agreement on a new state budget that is balanced and that invests in the critical priorities of this
state, particularly in our children's education.

"In my budget proposal, I offered a plan to provide health care coverage to every uninsured Connecticut resident who needs it through the Charter Oak Health Care Plan, through premium assistance to make the monthly premiums affordable to even our poorest citizens and through enhancements to HUSKY outreach.

"I also offered an energy plan - the only energy plan on the table -- to provide both short-term relief at the pump and longer-term initiatives designed to drive the state toward more efficient energy usage and to
foster renewable resources.

"I called on the legislature to act on my proposal to cap the gross receipts tax on gasoline and other petroleum products at the wholesale price of $1.75 a gallon.

"I also called for the scheduled July 1 increase in the gross receipts tax to be rolled back. Gas prices have jumped more than 33 percent in recent months, with the average price of regular gas rising well-above
three dollars a gallon.

"There are just three weeks to go in the 2007 legislative session and I believe we can make meaningful progress on the four issues that speak to the need for generational investment: education, energy, health care and responsible growth. There are actions we can take and this is the time to move these issues forward. This is the time to honor our commitments, to work together and to show real leadership."


Blogger mccommas said...

Maybe she will look over her shoulder and find no one is there!

9:18 PM  

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