Monday, May 07, 2007

A worthy cause...

Last week I wrote a story for the paper about Chris Coutu of Norwich, a young man who founded a group called American Warrior. It's basically a clearing house for veterans to put them in touch with various agencies that can help them get the services and programs they need - and earned.

But the focus of the story was another part of Coutu's plan - a plan to bring 100 World War II veterans to Washington to visit the World War II Memorial. Coutu wants to do this, especially for those vets who because of financial or health reasons are unable to visit on their own. His plan is to raise enough money so that this trip is "at no cost" to any of these veterans.

It is a both an ambitious and wonderful gesture on his part.

When the story appeared in the paper, I got about half-dozen phone calls the next morning from people who wanted to contribute to this effort. Chris tells me that even more people contacted him directly, offering to help out.

His organization is hosting a golf tournament on May 25 at the River Ridge Golf Course in Griswold. All the proceeds from the event will go towards this effort to bring the 100 vets to Washington.

He needs golfers. He's hoping to attract 144 people to play in the tournament - and as of last week had only 8 teams of four signed up for the event. He could also use some sponsor support.

So...if you think you might want to help can learn more by visiting his Web page at

If you want to sign him at


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