Another busy Monday in Hartford...
The activity level in Hartford is paicking up now that we're entering the final weeks of the legislative session.
On Friday, legislative leaders announced they didn't have enough votes to bring a proposal that would allow gay marriages out for a vote. So that "legislative' effort is over for the year. But earlier today, the state Supreme Court heard oral arguments in a legal challenge to the state law denying same-sex couples from getting married. We won't have a decision on that for a couple of months...
The General Assembly's Appropriations Committee is meeting this afternoon. Among the items on the agenda is the bill aimed at enhancing the military value of the Groton submarine base, recommendations that came from Gov. Rell's Commission on Diversifying the Southeastern Connecticut Economy. It should be the last "committee" stop before going to the Senate for a vote - and then onto the House for its approval....
Republican lawmakers today called for a suspension of the state's gasoline taxes from Memorial Day through Labor Day, citing the growing state surplus as a reason why the state doesn't need to be collecting more taxes from people now paying over $3.10 a gallon...
Negotiations between lawmakers and the governor's office over the final version of a state budget continue...and likely will continue to continue for most of the time remaining in this legislative session. I'm betting a "compromise" is announced late Monday, June 4. (The session ends on Wednesday, June 6.)
On Friday, legislative leaders announced they didn't have enough votes to bring a proposal that would allow gay marriages out for a vote. So that "legislative' effort is over for the year. But earlier today, the state Supreme Court heard oral arguments in a legal challenge to the state law denying same-sex couples from getting married. We won't have a decision on that for a couple of months...
The General Assembly's Appropriations Committee is meeting this afternoon. Among the items on the agenda is the bill aimed at enhancing the military value of the Groton submarine base, recommendations that came from Gov. Rell's Commission on Diversifying the Southeastern Connecticut Economy. It should be the last "committee" stop before going to the Senate for a vote - and then onto the House for its approval....
Republican lawmakers today called for a suspension of the state's gasoline taxes from Memorial Day through Labor Day, citing the growing state surplus as a reason why the state doesn't need to be collecting more taxes from people now paying over $3.10 a gallon...
Negotiations between lawmakers and the governor's office over the final version of a state budget continue...and likely will continue to continue for most of the time remaining in this legislative session. I'm betting a "compromise" is announced late Monday, June 4. (The session ends on Wednesday, June 6.)
I wonder what Denise Merrill sneaked in the Appropriations bill this year hoping no one would find it until it was to late...
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