Friday, November 03, 2006

Star power II....

Back from the University of Connecticut rally with Ben Affleck. It was short and sweet - but for the several hundred college students who attended, it was worth every moment.

"It made my UConn career," said Corey Autori, one of the many who turned out to catch a look at Affleck.

Prior to the rally, there was a press availability upstairs in the Student Union where we in the media had a chance to talk with Affleck. I asked him just how important "star power" is, and what real impact it really has on the outcome of elections.

Affleck conceded that he doesn't really expect anyone is going to vote for someone just because he's backing them, or says they're a nice guy. The reason for him coming is that he is committed to changing the direction the country is moving in, and believes that candidates like Joe Courtney can make that difference.

But more importantly, he said, it's about motivating college students to act.

"They can change their lives, and change the world," he said. "The (political) party in power has a lot of people to hit the road, cabinet secretaries, the president - but I guess he hasn't been here to UConn - the first lady. When you're not the party in power, you've got to dig deep - and here I am."


Blogger mccommas said...

"Affleck conceded that he doesn't really expect anyone is going to vote for someone just because he's backing them, or says they're a nice guy."

Oh sure he does.

6:23 PM  

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