Monday morning thoughts...
The problem with labels is that you never know how others think. Case in point;
A freqent visitor to this site, mccommas, suggested in a response to a post on John McCain's visit that I'm a liberal. Another reader, who goes by the name of Fou de Bassan, posted a comment on the Web page regarding my column that ran Sunday - suggesting that I was a conservative.
I appreciate the suggestions because I have hard time, especially on Monday mornings, trying to figure out just who I am.
Other ramblings at the start of the week:
The Greens are on the move. Ralph Nader will be the featured speaker at a fundraiser ($10 per person) for Green Party candidates Wednesday night in Willimantic. The event will be at the Willimantic Country Club dinning room, 8-9 p.m.
And Green Party Attorney General candidate Nacy Burton is heading out on a cross-state tour with Katie the Goat. Katie, for those of you who may not know, is a goat allegedly harmed by discharges from the Millstone Nuclear Power plants in Waterford. (Burton is a long-time opponent of the plants). If you're interested, the schedule of Nancy and Katie's stops is on her Web page,
Also coming up this week....the 10th and last debate between 2nd Congressional District candidates, Republican incumbent U.S. Rep. Rob Simmons and Democratic challenger Joe Courtney. It will be held 7-8:30pm, at Enfield High School Debate, 1264 Enfield Street, Enfield, CT.
A freqent visitor to this site, mccommas, suggested in a response to a post on John McCain's visit that I'm a liberal. Another reader, who goes by the name of Fou de Bassan, posted a comment on the Web page regarding my column that ran Sunday - suggesting that I was a conservative.
I appreciate the suggestions because I have hard time, especially on Monday mornings, trying to figure out just who I am.
Other ramblings at the start of the week:
The Greens are on the move. Ralph Nader will be the featured speaker at a fundraiser ($10 per person) for Green Party candidates Wednesday night in Willimantic. The event will be at the Willimantic Country Club dinning room, 8-9 p.m.
And Green Party Attorney General candidate Nacy Burton is heading out on a cross-state tour with Katie the Goat. Katie, for those of you who may not know, is a goat allegedly harmed by discharges from the Millstone Nuclear Power plants in Waterford. (Burton is a long-time opponent of the plants). If you're interested, the schedule of Nancy and Katie's stops is on her Web page,
Also coming up this week....the 10th and last debate between 2nd Congressional District candidates, Republican incumbent U.S. Rep. Rob Simmons and Democratic challenger Joe Courtney. It will be held 7-8:30pm, at Enfield High School Debate, 1264 Enfield Street, Enfield, CT.
Oh come on!
McCain walks on water according to you guys. He never faces a tough question about anything.
Did you ask him a tough question about HIS record --- not Bush or Simmons? What was it?
I absolutely, positively do NOT like McCain. I just received a Lieberman mailing today with McCain's photo on it telling me to vote for Lieberman. Now I have yet another reason to dislike McCain and I'm even now seriously considering voting for Lamont.
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