Thursday, October 26, 2006


U.S. Senator Barack Obama is trying to help Democratic US Senate nominee Ned Lamont. Obama has sent out emails to Lamont's mailing list urging supporters to continue working on behalf of Lamont.

Here's what he had to say...

"Ned earned the Democratic Senate nomination through his hard work and clear message. And his victory paved the way for an entire crop of Democratic challengers to stand up and fight for the common good. Today the candidacies of Diane Farrell, Joe Courtney and Chris Murphy are integral to the Democrats' strategy to regain the majority in the U.S. House of Representatives.

"A majority of Connecticut Democrats supported Ned Lamont in the August primary. I hope they will see this impressive movement through to the end by volunteering their time with Ned in these next two weeks."

According to polls, Lamont is trailing incumbent Sen. Joseph Lieberman - with some polls giving the three-term incumbent as much as a 17 point lead among likely voters.


Blogger Bill Jenkins said...

Good for Senator Obama!!

He ought to figure out a way to get that message to the Democrats who are supporting Lieberman instead of just sending it to the Lamont supporters. It kind of like preaching to the choir.

11:38 PM  
Blogger mccommas said...

-- agreed.

8:07 PM  

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