Thursday, October 19, 2006

The gubernatorial debate last night...

For what it may be worth, my impression of last night's gubernatorial debate.

Gov. M. Jodi Rell did a far better job than her first outing 10 days ago, in the sense that she did allow Democratic challenger John DeStefano to simply dominate the discussion without a challenge. DeStefano, to some surprise, was actually even better than his initial performance during the first debate, staying focused on making his case that as likeable as Jodi Rell may be, she simply hasn't done the job.

Having to deal with her popularity has always been the biggest challenge, and DeStefano took dead aim at the issue last night. And he did in a way that wasn't mean spirited or negative.

"Her TV ads portary her as a good and decent person," he said, "but being nice isn't lowering your property taxes. Being nice isn't lowering your utility bills."

The question now is, how effective was it. He got no bounce from the last debate - but I think this time his numbers might edge up a bit.

But I also think Rell's performance was good enough to stop the bleeding, and I don't think her numbers will fall like they did after the first debate. Whether she was strong enough to win back some of that support that she did lose, we'll have to wait and see what the polls say.


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