Andy Warhol was wrong...
It's not 15 minutes anymore. It's 60 seconds.
The two basic qualities needed to make an appearance on the 24-hour, non-stop news network shows are: Know what you're talking about (or at least sound like you do), and talk fast.
I do appreciate MSNBC Anchor Chris Jansing inviting me to join her on the show this afternoon to talk about the U.S. Senate race here in Connecticut. But this is not an easy race to talk about - at least in any great depth in a two minute segment. The jest of the conversation centered on one question - If the senate race is a referendum on George Bush's policies and the war in Iraq, how is it that Lieberman holds such a large lead in the polls?
The's not about just the war. It was during the primary, but we're past that now. This isn't about just the Democratic Party anymore, it's about the United States Senate. There are far more issues today, and Iraq isn't the most important one on peoples' minds. According to the Quinnipiac Poll that gave Lieberman a 17-point lead over rival Democratic nominee Ned Lamont, only 27 percent of the likely voters said Iraq is the central issue from which they'll base their decision on. That means 73 percent of the likely voters will be making their decision on it, and other things as well.
The two basic qualities needed to make an appearance on the 24-hour, non-stop news network shows are: Know what you're talking about (or at least sound like you do), and talk fast.
I do appreciate MSNBC Anchor Chris Jansing inviting me to join her on the show this afternoon to talk about the U.S. Senate race here in Connecticut. But this is not an easy race to talk about - at least in any great depth in a two minute segment. The jest of the conversation centered on one question - If the senate race is a referendum on George Bush's policies and the war in Iraq, how is it that Lieberman holds such a large lead in the polls?
The's not about just the war. It was during the primary, but we're past that now. This isn't about just the Democratic Party anymore, it's about the United States Senate. There are far more issues today, and Iraq isn't the most important one on peoples' minds. According to the Quinnipiac Poll that gave Lieberman a 17-point lead over rival Democratic nominee Ned Lamont, only 27 percent of the likely voters said Iraq is the central issue from which they'll base their decision on. That means 73 percent of the likely voters will be making their decision on it, and other things as well.
Have you seen Colin McEnroe's blog post, It's not the War, Stupid. By the Way, Where Am I?
He has another view of MSNBC's coverage of the race.
How you can defend Lieberman is beyond me. If you aren't enraged about his voting record, then, you are not informed. That is scary considering your position in which you are able to sway opinion. Once again, Mr. Hackett, the info is there, and is being ignored. His voting record proves where he stands in relation to Americans. The man is a traitor to the American people. ( As part of this government, the only war that Lieberman is capable of winning is the war this government wages against the American people.
Lieberman has voted for killing the border fence, increasing immigration, granting amnesty, weakening American worker protections, increasing low-skilled foreign-worker importation, allowing firms to lay off Americans to make room for foreign workers, and rewarding the illegal invaders with in-state tuition.
As if that wasn't detrimental enough to the American worker, Lieberman has voted against increasing American worker protections, capping employment based visas, limiting guest worker programs, postponing Shamnesty until our borders are secured, preventing illegals from collecting Social Security, additional Border Patrol funding, and against requiring workplace verification.
Doesn't sound very pro-American to me.
We have been relatively free of the problems that our countrymen face in California, Texas, and Arizona. We are now seeing the effects that our countrymen from these states are facing, as their numbers in our areas increase as they leave their home states. The reason we are seeing the increase of Americans into our state is because the illegal invaders have depressed the wages there, and these people cannot find living wage jobs. I know of three such individuals who have come to Connecticut within the last month seeking employment. The reason they left came from their own mouths. You won't find this info in the Bulletin though, it is not considered a 'local issue". By the time that we are hit in the face with the problems it will be too late. I have decided to not waste my time trying to inform those that choose to be ignorant and ignore what so many of our countrymen are facing. Do you even care that the Mexican military has made over 200 excursions onto American soil? This has been verified by our own government in their A Line in the Sand report. Will you take the time to even read this report? I doubt it. Do you care that Mexico is threatening to haul us in front of the U.N. if we try to secure our border with them?
Lieberman has the audacity to be proud of saving 31,000 jobs? With his voting record, Mr. Pro-Free Imbalanced Trade Lierberman, is ultimately responsible for millions of good paying jobs leaving this country. I don't know how Lieberman can sleep at night knowing that he is contributing to the downfall of this democracy. I'm sure you believe that our democracy failing is impossible, but, I suggest you inform yourself as to the stages that the great civilizations have gone through before they fell. If you bother to do that, then, you cannot deny we are in the last phase before the downfall. The same place that gave rise to Hitler. But, I'm sure you won't inform yourself, you believe we are still a great and strong democracy, though we no longer have the infrastructure in place to back up that claim. Our politicians, like Lieberman, loyal to special interests, not the American citizentry, have ensured we have no basic infrastucture left.
There was a reason that Lieberman received such a resounding "boo" from the audience as he made his presence on the stage of the Garde. While Lieberman admitted that our government is broken, he takes no responsibility for this occurring under his watch.
Ultimately, in the end, those of us that care about the future of our American culture and democracy will remember those of our countrymen who remained silent, and did not stand up for America, or for what it means. Why is it the rest of the world knows the American Dream is dead, and, yet, there are those that continue to push this fallacy? The Japanese edition of Newsweek said it all, when, back in 2005, their cover showed our American flag in a garbage can.
As a member of the Council of Foreign Relations, Lieberman will never vote for a border fence, despite proof from the aforementioned governmental report that terrorists have crossed our southern border. Mr. Hackett, if you continue to believe that there is no plan to unite the United States, Mexico, and Canada, as proven by the government site, then, perhaps I can get you to check the legislation introduced by Representatives Goode and Tancredo to stop this atrocity. If you can't be bothered, then, for the sake of God and our Christian country, shut up. Americans do not need the uniformed working against us. We already have too many former politicians condemning our country to the eyes of the world.
"I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. . . . corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed." – Abraham Lincoln
aldon...I did take a look at the McEnroe blog, I appreciate the nod I got on it.
And minuteman...why is it that if someone dares offer an opinion that you disagree, you immediately jump to the conclusion that there is a conspiracy and hidden agenda.
How you can come to the conclusion that this particular post was a "defense" of Sen. Joseph Lieberman confounds me. What this is what I see happening based on conversations with voters - feelings that appear to be supported by poll results.
The fact that you disagree is fine, you're entitled to your opinion. Why not let others have their opinions?
"when it came time to fight for what was important for Connecticut -- 31,000 jobs and $3 billion to the state's economy -- Lieberman answered the bell."
You deny you are defending him?
Where was he when it came to fighting to keep the good paying jobs in America? He was right there with his elitist buddies, voting to outsource them all. Now he continues to vote to bring in massive amounts of cheap foreign workers, knowing full well the downward pressure on American wages.
And, alas, no mention of the planned unification of the countries. I see you chose to ignore that. Well, here is a link that shows just what has been happening and just what the Bulletin is refusing to cover.
Where is your loyalty to your democracy?
I spend several hours a day doing research as to what is happening in my country. I do not rely on mainstream media, as you must. It is my responsibility, as an American, to pick up where our supposed free press will not tread. Your lack of knowledge of the assault on Americans and our country, by our own government, is baffling, considering the job you have.
Minuteman...let me try one last time. The question was...if this election is a referendum on George Bush and the Iraq war, why is Lieberman leading in the polls?
I am well aware that you don't like the answer, but the fact is, he is leading in the polls because a majority of Connecticut voters prefer him to his challengers - even if they disagree with him on issues. Now, if you want to call that "defending" him, be my guest.
As for "ignoring" your other issue. I didn't ignore. I answered it months ago when you first brought up...and my answer to that is the same today as it was then....
I'm sorry, I'm not buying that conspiracy theory.
Now...I am already well aware you don't like that answer either. That means...we disagree. I doubt I will ever be able to say anything that you will agree with me on, and I'm pretty sure there are few things I'm going to agree with you on.
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