Tuesday, October 24, 2006

thoughts about last night's debate...

It certainly was one of the more entertaining debates I've attended this election season. And here are some observations - some you might agree with, some you might not.

Democratic nominee Ned Lamont has certainly lost that boyish, golly-gee quality that he brought into the campaign way back in March when he first announced his candidacy. And at times, appears a bit uncomfortable with his current role as the Democratic nominee. He appeared much more comfortable earlier in the campaigng in the role of the upstart challenger taking on the status quo. He still is, but at times you can see the frustration on his face and his body language. Lamont's a businessman, and he has a keen understanding of his business plan. He's invested a lot into this campaign, and it isn't going along as well as planned - and it shows.

Incumbent U.S. Sen. Joseph Lieberman has regained his stride. He is not the angry, resentful candidate that was so obvious during the primary. Although still exhibiting a strong displeasure at being challenged, he has moved that anger to a more appropriate response. One example of that came last night during the most spirited discussion when the candidates were asked how accurate their TV ads are. Lieberman never answered the question, instead using the opportunity to attack what he sees as the negative attacks by Lamont. And that produced the desired results, because Lamont couldn't resist rising up again in defense of his campaign. Whether you agree or not, he's back in his stride and his experience at campaigning is showing.

Alan Schlesinger has been the breath of fresh air - sharp, witty and on his game. And he actually has some pretty good ideas. The problem is, his ideas are lost in the laughter. What people remember, what they bring away in terms of what Schlesinger said are the punch lines. He leaves them laughing , but no one is remembering what else he said.

And a final thought.

The last two debates featured nationally known and well-respected journalists from CBS (Bob Scheiffer) and ABC (George Stephanopoulos) - and I'm still wondering why. Neither of them brought anything to the deabe except their names. Scheiffer's contributions went out the window in the opening introductions when he introduced "Ted" Lamont. For a race that has captured national attention - you'd think you'd know the players.

Stephanopoulos made a "cameo appearance" in New London. His only contribution to last night's debate was serving as straight man to Schlesinger a couple of times.

I can't wait to hear what you think...


Blogger Ray Hackett said...

There is no question, when Kay Maxwell is moderating, there is higher decorum in the room.

2:29 PM  

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