Wednesday, September 13, 2006

The Senate race....

Republican US Sen. candidate Alan Schlesinger was in today to meet with the Norwich Bulletin editorial board. And as everyone knows, Schlesinger isn't doing very well in the polls, running a very distant third behind Sen. Joseph Lieberman and Democratic nominee Ned Lamont.

Schlesinger had an interesting comment in regards to that, suggesting that this race has been highjacked by the national media and thus he is struggling to get any attention against thosewho would like to see it become nothing more than a Lamont-Lieberman rematch, and forget the others.

I wouldn't go quite that far, but there may be something to the idea of the national media taking over. Rumors coming out of the negotiations about potential debates are suggesting we could see three or four debates - with the three major television networks taking over for their local affiliates. What I'm hearing is that instead of Mark Davis from Channel 8, we may see ABC's George Stephanpooulos moderating the debate; instead of Tom Monihan from Channel 30, we could see NBC's Tim Russert or Brian Williams, and representing CBS, Bob Schieffer.

Representatives from the candidates' campaigns are still working on the details and we might hear something official in the next day or two.


Blogger Ray Hackett said...

Snorwich...finally, something we can agree upon. I fully agree with you that highjacking this election is wrong. But...I would disagree with you that it's being highjacked. It is the voters in Connecticut who will decide this election, and all the others on the ballot in November - and I have always had more faith in voters than what the politicians do.

11:31 AM  

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