Friday, May 21, 2010

Convention time

I'm ver at the Connecticut Convention Center in Hartford as del3egates to the Republican 2nd District convention gather and begin the process of endorsing a candidate for this year's election. All four candidates and their suppoerts are here. We should know the results in abvout an hour and a half.

Meanwhiloe....the latest rumor is that gubernatorial candidate Tom Foley has had discussions with former state Rep. Lenny Winkler of Ledyard as a possible lt. gov. candidate with him. If so, that should be the surprise of tomorrow's GOP convention.

And as for the Bulletin's Dear Governor project in today's paper. Copies were personally handed to Foley, Oz Griuebel and Lt. Gov. Michael Fedele, with the suggestion that not only do theyread what the people of Connecticut want to tell them...but maybve go visit some of the folks and hear it for themselves.

MOre later after the votoing in the 2nd District ends...


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