Monday, April 19, 2010

Bysiewicz hearing

Lawyers are scheduled to give final arguments in the Susan Bysiewicz hearing to determine if she qualifies -- under state alw -- to hold the position of attorney general. The law requires 10 years of "active practice" as a lawyer to qualify. Bysiewicz maintains her role sa secretary of the state meets that qualifications. (However, I'm not sure how you consider a press conference in August 2006 to demonstrate the new voting machines qualifies as the "active" practice of law -- yet that was one of the examples Bysiewicz cited duriing her day and a half onthe witness stand last week.

Anyway, a decision is expected to be rendered by the end of the month -- then we'll see if there will be an appeal which could drag this out at least up until the state conventions next month, and probably longer.


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