Tuesday, November 04, 2008

A full house...

Driving into the parking lot at the Ledyard Central School, you get the impression that this is going to be a long wait.

"Two minutes," said resident Len Coley when asked how long he spent in line to vote. "It's looks like it's really busy, but it's moving quickly."

More than 1,000 out of an estimated 9,000 eligible voters had cast their ballots by 9:30 this morning, and more and more voters continued to arrive in a steady stream. The real difficulty was finding a parking space.

As what has become a commont theme today, the day began with long lines.

"It was out the door and down the sidewalk," said Moderator Pat Weiner, a 12-year veteran of election operations.

And there are a lot of new voters showing up. According to Weiner, that included a couple in the 90s -- voting for the very first time.

An extra benefit at the Ledyard Central School this morning -- flu shots. The town's public health department was offering flu shots to voters for those who wanted it.


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