Tuesday, November 07, 2006

New technology....

Montville is one of 25 communities testing the new optical scanner in this year's election.

"It's going very good," said Election Moderator Donna Carlson at Montville Town Hall where voters in Districts 1 & 6 vote. "I think voters like this system better than the old mechnical machines."

Turnout this morning has been steady, but no real rush.

Christina Baukus, a registered unaffiliated voter, said she wasn't motivated by all the talk about the Iraq War in making her decision.

"I'm more concerned with local issues," she said, "and what the candidates are going to do for the town."

Baukus said she voted for Republcan Alan Schlesinger for U.S. Senate because she believed after 18 years it was time for a change, but wasn't impressed with Democratic nominee Ned Lamont's position on issues. She also voted to keep U.S. Rep. Rob Simmons, R-2nd District, giving him credit for his efforts to save the Groton submarine base.

Outside the polling place, Ray Tondreau of Preston was wearing a number of Democratic candidate signs, waving at voters as they entered Town Hall to cast ballots.

"I haven't really talked to anyone," he said, "but I am geting a lot of thumbs up."

Time to move on...let's go see how things are at the Mohegan Fire Station on Route 32.


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