Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Let's do it....

It's time to get going, the beginning of the last leg of this race - and it most certainly has been a long, strange trip to say the least.

Over the course of the day, I am pleased to bring you along on my Election Day journey - in search of needles hidden in haystacks. Polls will be closing in about 12 hours, and over the next several hours we're heading out to talk with voters. What I'm hoping to learn is what kind of mood they're bringing to the polls today - some sense of how things might end up later tonight.

And along the way this morning and afternoon, I'll try and provide some history of what's happened in the past. Hopefully from that we might learn something.

First stop this morning will be the East Lyme Community Center - that's where I vote.

So, let's hit the road and get this day going.


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