Wednesday, September 27, 2006

State legislative races...

The General Assembly races have been quiet, at least in terms of candidates trying to garner some publicity. They are, however, out there campaigning - knocking ondoors and appearing before any group that will have them.

A few debates are being planned, but I haven't heard a lot of details.

So let me ask you. What have you heard about the legislative races where you live, and is there any talk of debates or candidate forums in your town?


Blogger mccommas said...

Yes it has been quiet and that’s the way incumbents (and their cronies) like it. But if you think its quiet now, just wait till RINO Rell’s incumbent protection plan kicks in. Yes, it will truly be “reform” when our weekly paychecks are automatically plundered and our money sent directly to incumbents running for re-election. Yes, it’s so much better that way than having commoners decide.

Thanks Jodi for making things much quieter. Democracy is best when it’s quiet.

The only signs I have seen are for Sherri Vought and the sole likeable state representative in these parts –the “leadershipless” Mike Alberts. On Ms.Vought's signs note she says “Let’s get our leadership back”, a passing reference to the incumbent who she thinks got a raw deal.

8:36 AM  

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