Wednesday, August 02, 2006


Two new campaign ads have surfaced - one television and one radio - that raises a question.

Democratic gubernatorial candidate John DeStefano has approved a TV ad that is a direct attack on his Democratic primary opponent Dan Malloy - which raises the question: Why would a candidate up 20 points in the poll decided to launch an attack ad, especially at this point in the campaign, one week from the primary?

The radio commercial is one approved by Democratic Senatorial chanellenger Ned Lamont. The commercial critizies the high cost of gas and the profits oil companies are making. There are car horns honked throughout the commercial, implying that "expletives" are being deleted as the announcer rants and raves about the price and the profits. That raises this question: Exactly what group of voters is the campaign trying to attract with these implied expletitives? every campaign, every candidates' campaign launches ads that leave a lot to be desired. But these two, just kind of make you wonder what people are thinking.


Blogger mccommas said...

What did the John DeStefano ad say?

I was really surprised at first he lost at the convention. But then I saw him on TV and he doesn't speak effectively.

2:04 PM  

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