Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Getting a first hand look....

U.S. Rep. Joe Courtney, D-2nd District, spent Memorial Day in Baghdad with American troops. You can read what he had to say about the visit in this morning's Norwich Bulletin. Courtney held a teleconference with reporters late Tuesday afternoon from an undisclosed location in the Middle East. His staff, citing security reasons, will not discuss where he is or when he'll return.

In a teleconference with U.S. Sen. Joseph Lieberman, I-Conn., last week, he mentioned that he, too, was heading off to Iraq this week. But again, for security reasons, those plans were not for public disclosure prior to his departure. But CNN's Paula Hancocks - who is in Baghdad - reported this morning that Lieberman was in the capital today. According to the CNN report, He visited a joint security station where U.S. and Iraqi forces are based, as well as a forward operating base and a local Baghdad market.

I suspect that he, too, will schedule a teleconference with reporters in the coming days to discuss his latest visit.


Blogger mccommas said...

Joe Courtney with the Troops?

That reminds me of Michael Dukakis riding in that tank....

7:19 AM  

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