Friday, March 09, 2007

Gubernatorial powers...

Republican Gov. M. Jodi Rell may blow away her 49 gubernatorial colleagues in terms of popularity, but according to a new survey of gubernatorial power - Connecticut's governor is rated in the middle of the pack of the nation's 50 governors.

The survey, conducted by North Carolina Political Science Professor Thad Beyle for Stateline magazine, rated the 50 governors' influence in relationship to tenure, budget authority, appointment and veto power, and control of the state legislature.

Rell, just starting her first full-term in office, has veto power but the state legislature is controlled by Democrats with a super majority able to over-ride her veto - and as such, her control over the state budget and appointments must be approved by the legislature.

Connecticut was rated at 3.6 out of a possible 5, just above the national average of 3.5.

Massachusetts was rated as having the most influencial governor with a power rating of 4.3.


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