Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Occupational hazards...

Last night I posted a blog saying that a story about potential Republican congressional challengers in 2008 would appear in the newspaper this morning...and could be accessed on the Web at

Well...if you went looking for it this morning, you came away empty. It didn't run. A decision was made last night to hold it.

We knew yesterday that on Tuesday night the Plainfield Police Commission would be meeting to decide what to do with the controversy surrounding Police Chief Gary Sousa. What we didn't know is what - if anything - they would do. Well, they did act. They voted to suspend the chief effective immediately.

It was a pretty big story, and during the evening once the paper learned of the decision, they - those who make those kinds of decisions here - opted to make the Sousa story "the story" of the day. And my story about potential GOP congressional candidates was taken out of today's paper. It's one of those occupational hazards becayse news is constantly evolving and a good plan in the afternoon can suddenly become not so good hours later.

But I'm not complaining. On the contrary, I am rather pleased that the decision was made to hold my story rather than try and shoe-horn it into whatever hole in the paper might have been available at that hour of the night. It's an interesting story, I think anyway. But then again, I'm a political junkie and these kinds of stories are the ones that interest me the most. I'd much rather have it get a decent play in the paper than just squeezed (edited) into what space is available.

So...the story, I've been told, will run tomorrow.


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