Monday, September 25, 2006

Monday morning....

It's the start of another hectic, fun-filled week on the campaign trail, and I will do my very best to try and be a bit more attentive to this blog during the course of the week.

The week starts with what should be one of the more important events of the election year. U.S. Sen. Joseph Lieberman is scheduled to make a "major address" about the future of Iraq. It comes on the heels of the report over the weekend suggesting that Iraq hasn't helped in curbing the rise of terrorism. Democratic nominee Ned Lamont will also be discussing the issue in New Haven this afternoon.

Later this week, I'm taking another trip down to Ft. Dix, NJ to visit with some Connecticut National Guard troops from the Norwich armory who will be departing the area in a couple of weeks for Iraq.

And there are more than a few political events, press conferences and forums on tap for the week as well.

It will be a busy week...

On another front, John Crooks sent a long a message asking if there's been much conversation on the blog about the local legislative races for the General Assembly. Sad to say, there hasn't been much. For those who might not be aware, John is the Republican challenger in the 47th Assembly District contest, challenging incumbent State Rep. Jack Malone this year. John is also a member of the Norwich City Council.

So let me put this out there for comments. Have the Big Three...Senate, Governor and Congressional races...completely overshadowed the General Assembly contests this year? And if so, what should we do about that?

And even more importantly, what races on the legislative side are you watching?


Blogger Ray Hackett said...

Snorwich...I appreciate the kind words regarding my Sunday column that appeared in the Norwich Bulletin. I, too, would like to see those questions put to the candidates - all of the candidates. But I'd like to see voters ask them - and hear for themselves what kind of answers the candidates give them.

The purpose of my column on Sunday was to provide voters with some "talking points." I figured since the candidates have them - and use them as their answers to questions - voters should have some, too - and use them as questions.

Hopefully some folks will think it's a good idea , and maybe show up at more of these candidate forums where they do get to ask the questions.

2:23 PM  
Blogger Ray Hackett said...

Bonnie...there apparently are plans for a debate between Jack Malone and john Crooks. I don't know the details yet, but I do have a call in to someone involved in organizing it and will post info on it here and in the newspaper when I get it confirmed.

As for state Sen. Edith Prague's challenger, his name is Matthew Daly, a state employee involved in the judicial department. He has a campaign web page ( and he and Edith will be debating at Norwich City Hall on Wednesday, Oct. 4. I haven't heard a time yet, and will pass that along as soon as I do.

11:51 AM  

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