Odds and ends...
A few things going on as we head into the weekend.
Word out of Hartford is that state budget folks will likely announce early next week that the deficit has now reached $1 billion -- not including any of the savings that have already been implemented thus far from two special sessions and a long list of individual actions taken by the governor.
I hate to sound like a broken record, but this is getting serious and it's time lawmakers in Hartford got serious about it. The problem is, they want to wait and let the governor drop the first shoe so they don't have to look like (or decide) they're not supporting their favorite special interest group. So...as much as I hate to admit it, nothing serious starts to happen until Feb. 4.
Stamford Mayor Dan Malloy is throwing the gloves down on Attorney General Richard Blumenthal. Malloy says he's giving Blumenthal until Jan. 31 to say whether he's in or out in terms of the 2010 gubernatorial race. Malloy, who won the Democratic endorsement in 2006, but lost the nomination to New Haven Mayor John DeStefano in a primary, is eager to get his campaign off the ground -- provided that Blumenthal isn't running. But Malloy isn't waiting, either.
And former Speaker of the House Jim Amann will officially announce his candidcy for governor at the end of the month.
Monday's a holiday for some, MLK Day, but not for me. Have a good weekend and we'll talk again Monday.
Word out of Hartford is that state budget folks will likely announce early next week that the deficit has now reached $1 billion -- not including any of the savings that have already been implemented thus far from two special sessions and a long list of individual actions taken by the governor.
I hate to sound like a broken record, but this is getting serious and it's time lawmakers in Hartford got serious about it. The problem is, they want to wait and let the governor drop the first shoe so they don't have to look like (or decide) they're not supporting their favorite special interest group. So...as much as I hate to admit it, nothing serious starts to happen until Feb. 4.
Stamford Mayor Dan Malloy is throwing the gloves down on Attorney General Richard Blumenthal. Malloy says he's giving Blumenthal until Jan. 31 to say whether he's in or out in terms of the 2010 gubernatorial race. Malloy, who won the Democratic endorsement in 2006, but lost the nomination to New Haven Mayor John DeStefano in a primary, is eager to get his campaign off the ground -- provided that Blumenthal isn't running. But Malloy isn't waiting, either.
And former Speaker of the House Jim Amann will officially announce his candidcy for governor at the end of the month.
Monday's a holiday for some, MLK Day, but not for me. Have a good weekend and we'll talk again Monday.
Any thoughts on the height of the waves created by Amman's return to Hartford as Speaker Donovan's Chief Advisor at 120K per annum?
If the news stories are accurate, Amman won't be there for too many of those annums, I guess--assuming he does want to run for governor, and take a pay cut.
How does the majority party have any credibility (political or moral) in discussions about budget reductions and 'living within our means' when they won't talk about re-examining contracts with the state employees unions, questioning every program and every expenditure and pulling something like this?
In the larger scheme of things,
120K for an employee/crony, when facing a deficit of 1 Billion dollars, is probably more 'who cares?' than anything else but as a symbol, it can only be perceived as one kind of gesture and I don't mean of solidarity.
A cynical thought...Amann is running for governor. He's taking a risk by not seeking re-election and one term as Spaker of the House -- a natural platform that would have guaranteed him continued press and media exposure over the next year and a half that would have certainly benefitted his gubernatorial hopes.
By slipping out of the public limelight, he makes it just a tad more difficult to remain relevent over the next 18 month.
There's no question that he and the new Speaker, Chris Donovan, are close. One might go as far as saying that Donovan has the job now because of, and thanks to, Amann. His decision to bring Amann back as a "special" advisor puts Amann back into the thick of things....but without any liability if things don't go well.
I do agree with you, however, that a $120,000 salary at a time when the state is bleeding red ink is...to be kind, shall we say, shortsighted?
It just looks bad.
Someone should whisper to Dan Malloy (whoever he is) that he doesn't need the AG's permission to run.
If he wants to be govornor, a good start would be to grow a pair.
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