Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Is it still morning...

Nothing like a refreshing three and half hour power nap to start the day.

Here's what we know this morning...

It appears Joe Courtney has won the 2nd Congressional District race, by my count of 170 votes. None of that is official yet. We're still waiting for some official word from the Secretary of the State's Office. That small margin will automatically trigger a recount - and that could take a week, maybe 10 days to complete depending on scheduling and how serious each side will contest every little tidbit under scrunity.

So at this point, we're awaiting a press availability from the Simmons camp. (The Courtney camp, at this point has no such plans).

And we're waiting for some definitive answer from the Secretary of the State's Office, certifiying the results and declaring the recount.


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